mandag 18. mars 2019

Varieties of English

Varieties of English

India was colonized by the british in 1612, because of the sugar/cotton/tea market. English explorers had an influence on the Indian population, and in some cases enforced the english language. Also the Indian farmers needed to speak English to work with british customers or salesmen. The indian accent is basically the mispronounciation of T, D and N sounds, because of the tongue curled backwards.

South Africa:
A long time ago, the british colonized the south africa, so they could export slaves to the eu or USA. Because of the segregation rules, there are multiple south african accents. A good characteristic of a south-african accent, is pronounciation of double vocals. They pronounce them with different lenght.

A chinese accent, is like a japanese one. They don't know the different between v and w, therefore they pronounce "survive" "səˈwaɪw". Of course, they don't distinguish between "west" and "vest".